As one of the world's most influential industry trade fairs, LogiMAT, the International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management, will be held from March 19th to 21st at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre in Germany.
在這一行業(yè)盛事中,宇鋒智能作為一家領(lǐng)先的物流機(jī)器人及智慧物流系統(tǒng)提供商,立足全球視野,以市場需求為導(dǎo)向,持續(xù)亮相國際展臺。此次將攜多款產(chǎn)品在6號展廳6A21展位展出,期待您蒞臨展臺, 我們共同探討、深入交流!
At this industry event, Yufeng Intelligent, as a leading logistics robots and intelligent logistics systems provider, with a global perspective and market-driven orientation, continues to expand overseas markets. This time, multiple products will be showcased at Booth 6A21 in Halle 6, and we look forward to your visit to our booth for in-depth discussions!
Halle 6/6A21,等你來打卡!
Halle 6/6A21, waiting for your visit!